Posts Tagged: accessibility

Digital Accessibility Resources to Empower All Learners

Digital Accessibility Resources to Empower All Learners

Technology is most powerful when it empowers everyone. One of the first times I heard George Couros speak he said, “Technology is not just a tool. It can give learners a voice that they may not have had before.” The statement resonated with me to such a degree that I have it on a… Read more

Getting Started with Google Voice Typing

Getting Started with Google Voice Typing

Text-to-Speech That Actually Works I remember trying voice-to-text software in the late 1990s. In addition to a lack of accuracy, I had to speak slower than I could already type. Thankfully, voice-to-text software has come a long way since then. Google voice typing is incredibly accurate and fast enough to be used as a real… Read more

Improve Reading Comprehension with Text-to-Speech: iPad Multi-Sensory Reading

Improve Reading Comprehension with Text-to-Speech: iPad Multi-Sensory Reading

Text-To-Speech Text-to-Speech isn’t just for students with low-vision. It can also be beneficial to students experiencing a range of literacy difficulties. Read-aloud tools have been shown to positively impact reading comprehension for individuals with reading disabilities. While more studies are needed, other potential benefits of this multi-sensory reading approach include: Improved word recognition. Promoting student… Read more