Communicating with Parents: Let Them Decide
I’m ashamed to admit that I don’t always read (or even open) the weekly email newsletters I receive from my daughter’s teachers. I’m not a fan of email and tend to associate it with more things to do. I do however open (and usually read) nearly all text-like messages I receive on my phone. Some parents might still prefer email, while others might even want paper. Thanks to ClassTag, communicating with parents using their preferred medium has never been easier. Teachers communicate with parents using any of ClassTag’s quick and easy solutions; parents choose how they wish to receive what’s shared. It’s also 100% free.

ClassTag is ad-supported. The ads appear within the app and in email messages. A number of educators have complained that the ads are too large and distracting, others don’t seem to mind. The announcement image below will give you a pretty good idea of what to expect.
Communication Made Easy
ClassTag’s well-designed features make it easy for teachers to quickly and conveniently communicate with parents. You can send whole-class, small group, or even individual communications with just a couple of clicks.

Announcements are intended for one-way communication with all parents.
Teachers can send announcements immediately or schedule them to be sent at a later time.
Stories are a great choice for sharing pictures. Stories can be shared to all parents like announcements, or they can be shared with just the parent of one student.
Conversations are the best choice for two-way communication with a parent, family, or families. Note: Parents who choose to receive text messages will be able to reply only through the ClassTag app or website.
Anything that has a date associated with it can be shared and organized with activities. Select one of the four main activity types to get started.

Share what’s happening in your class (organize parties, announce tests, major assignments, etc.). You can also request volunteers or items within events, and optionally choose to require an RSVPs.
Volunteer Requests
Need parents to volunteer for something like chaperoning a field trip? Just provide the details and indicate the number of volunteers you’d like to have
To-Do Items
Use To-Do items when action is required of a parent (i.e. returning a permission slip, submitting medical records, etc.). Teachers can easily indicate if the request is for everyone, each family, or voluntary. To-Do items require parents to click a checkbox to mark the item complete.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
No more phone-tag or emailing back and forth when a desired time has been taken. Just create time slots and let ClassTag do the rest.
Automated Communication
With ClassTag, follow-up messages and reminders are automatic.
Parents who sign up for an event will receive an automated reminder two days in advance.
Follow-Up Messages
ClassTag automatically sends an email every Tuesday to parents who have not yet signed up or didn’t RSVP to an open request.
Weekly Summary
Replace your weekly newsletter; ClassTag’s Weekly Summary is automatically sent every Friday at noon (although you can customize the send time). The summary provides an overview of what’s happening in your classroom next week. It also customizes messages for families based on their status for upcoming activities. Teachers can add a custom message to share highlights from your classroom in the Weekly Summary.
Communicate with Parents in Their Preferred Language
ClassTag can automatically translate your communications to over 50 languages. Teachers can set the language for every parent and even send translated invitations. Parents can select their preferred language when they fill out their profile.

How is ClassTag Different?
ClassTag may sound a lot like some of the other communications tools, but the differences are notable. Check out their comparisons of ClassTag to other popular communications tools in their graphic below, or click on the links that follow for a more detailed comparison.

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What’s Your Preferred Way to Communicate with Parents?
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