Overview: As teachers look for more ways to gain and sustain the attention of learners , many educators complain that they are in constant competition with cell phones, texting, and social media. Even the most restrictive of personal electronic device policies doesn’t seem to prevent students from accessing social media at school. This white paper looks at the potential for using cellphones, texting, and social media as teens are rapidly shifting from traditional social media sites (Facebook, MySpace) to Twitter.
While some may seek to ban mobile devices and social media like Twitter from the classroom, this paper examines the benefits and drawbacks for embracing Twitter as a learning tool. As the old saying goes, if you want to catch fish you should go where the fish are.
The video, and White Paper below were written as an assignment for Dr. Marshall G. Jones’s EDUC 651 class at Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.
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Overview: As teachers look for more ways to gain and sustain the attention of learners , many educators complain that they are in constant … education technology