QR Codes in the Classroom 
Reading Roundup
Five hand-picked articles to inspire creative ways to use QR codes in the classroom.
QR Codes: Pushing the Narrative on Scannables–Monica Burns gives an overview of her ACES framework (access, curate, engage, share) to thoughtful QR code integration.
Check out her book: Deeper Learning With QR Codes and Augmented Reality: A Scannable Solution for Your Classroom
. www.edutopia.org
Great Displays in the Great Outdoors: Bringing Student Work to Life–Take the learning outside with QR codes. Heather Calabro shares a great timeline project and ideas for displaying student work outdoors. www.edutopia.org
Twelve Ideas for Teaching With QR Codes–Just getting started with QR Codes in the classroom? Andrew Miller provides 12 great suggestions. www.edutopia.org
How to set up a QR Code Treasure Hunt: ActiveHistory.co.uk–Russell Tarr walks you through how he made a QR code scavenger hunt, and show you how you can do the same in your classroom. www.activehistory.co.uk
QR Code Fractions Jenga Freebie–A fun way to learn fractions. Tabitha Carro has made it easy to get started by providing you with directions and printable labels. www.flapjackeducation.com
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