How to Optimize Images for the Web

How to Optimize Images

Why You Need an Image Optimizer

If your website or LMS loads slowly, it’s could be due to the size of image files. You probably know that high-quality images tend to load slowly, but what you might not know is that you can fix this by reducing the file size of your image while maintaining high picture quality.


While many advanced tools exist, they’re often too time-consuming for optimizing every image I post. TinyPNG allows me to optimize all images with no thought and just a couple of clicks. Just upload a JPEG or PNG image, wait a few moments, and download your optimized file. It’s quick, easy, and no sign-in is required. TinyPNG even works with transparent and animated PNG files. 

Image Optimizer

High-Quality Images with Fast Load Times

Your optimized images will use less bandwidth and load considerably faster. The best part: you’ll have a hard time noticing any change in image quality. 

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Nick LaFave

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