Turn Your Slides into an Animated GIF
While PowerPoint and Keynote users can directly save their presentations as an animated GIF, Google Slides doesn’t yet have this feature. Don’t worry though, Tall Tweets will let you turn your Google Slides into an animated GIF with just a few clicks.

How to Make a GIF in Google Slides
- Go to TallTweets.com and sign in with your Google account.
- Select your Slides presentation.
- Specify the width of your GIF in pixels. I selected 800 which is the highest number of pixels in the drop-down menu, but you can type in higher values if needed.
- Enter the slide duration in seconds. I set mine to display each slide for just 0.5 seconds. You might want each slide displayed longer depending on the content.
- Indicate the sequence of your slides (optional). You can list out the order you would like your slides to appear in. Not only is this a great way to reorder and skip slides, but you can also have a slide repeated multiple times to effectively extend the time that it is displayed.
- Click Create GIF.
- Preview your animation and click Save to download.

Update: Chrome Extension Now Available
Tall Tweets has created a Chrome Extension called Creator Studio that allows you to save your Google Slides as an animated GIF or video file.
How Do You Use GIFs in the Classroom?
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Tags: GIF, Google Slides