Bitmoji – Emoji Generator Brings Personalized Fun to the Classroom

Teachers love using Bitmojis for everything from personalizing posters and drawing attention to key concepts, to providing student feedback. They’ve been increasingly popular for student work too. Emoji generators have been a great way to increase engagement while students demonstrate understanding in creative ways like #BookSnaps. Unfortunately, younger students have largely been left out of using Bitmoji for a whole host of reasons (it’s owned by Snapchat, age-restricted, and contains questionable content).
Emoji Me Animated Faces for Kids
I was happy to find Emoji Me; a full-featured emoji generator that’s also school-appropriate. Unfortunately, it’s only available on iOS at this time. Emoji Me Animated Faces has two versions, so be sure you download the school-appropriate version: Emoji Me Animated Faces for Kids. I first came across the app a few weeks ago; I was impressed but disappointed to find a middle finger gesture further into the app. I received a quick reply apologizing for the oversight from the app developer, with a follow up that indicated the middle finger gesture had been removed from the app.
An Impressive Emoji Generator
EmojiMe is not only feature-filled, but it’s also incredibly easy to use. Creating a personalized emoji is even easier when you can look at a picture of the person you are representing. You can use your camera or access photos on your device to have a picture side by side with the emoji you’re making.
Start with face shape, the hair and hair color, eye shape and color, eyebrows, mouth, nose, and ears, add a few wrinkles and dimples, have fun with some facial hair, and maybe add some glasses.
After selecting a facial expression, you can save or send your emoji. Tapping on “pictures” allows you to further customize with text, stickers, etc.
What Are Your Favorite Ways to Use Emojis / Bitmojis in the Classroom?
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Hi Nick. We just updated the Kids version of Emoji Me Animated Faces, now with face mask wearing, hand washing, distance learning. Still suitable for classrooms and 100% free.
Thanks for the update, Mark. Thank you for supporting student safety during these challenging times!