A Great Search Engine for Kids – Filter by Subject Area & Reading Level

A Great Search Engine for Kids – Filter by Subject Area & Reading Level

Elementary teachers frequently ask me for advice on search engines for kids. They are often concerned about safety, the amount of time it takes to find good sources of information, and easy ways to find content that is both subject-related and of an appropriate reading level. Choosito is a great search engine for kids to address all of those concerns.

Choosito Search

Choosito is an incredibly easy to use search engine that allows students to filter search results by reading level and subject area. StudentsĀ are greeted with a search box that reads “Find me sites about…”. They can then select one or more subject areas, and indicate their reading level (early, emerging, fluent, or advanced). One of my favorite features is the ability to also search for images by selecting Choosito Images in the search menu.

Choosito Search Engine for Kids

Choosito Library

Students can also select Choosito Library as a search option to view resultsĀ from more than 150,000 sites that have been curated by teachers. It does limit your results, but it’s a great way to find the most relevant and usable content for students.

Choosito Library

Free and Paid Accounts

Choosito is an awesome free search engine for kids, but free accounts provide additional useful features. The Pro Account provides reading level and subject filtering for the Choosito Library, in addition to the ability for teachers to create their own collections of sites and access public collections of other educators. The Class Account provides some additional features to manage your classes and view analytics to help you assess student research skills and information literacy.

Get Started

Choosito has created a very useful Start Guide with everything you need to start using Choosito with your students.

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Nick LaFave

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