Vine – Make Six-Second Educational
Vine is a free mobile app that allows users to make six-second videos that they can then share via Twitter, Facebook, or sharing a link. Last spring I noticed students becoming increasingly interested in making funny social videos with Vine and began to wonder if it had any educational value.
So, what can you convey in a six-second video?
More than you think. In addition to being engaging, it forces students to be concise and really think through their message.
Six Second Science Fair
For inspiration, check out some videos from GeneralElectric’s 6 Second Science Fair:
The Science of Coffee
What happens when you combine milk, food coloring and dish soap?
A word of caution:
The Apple app store states that users must be at least 17 years old to download the app. Vine is an open social app meaning that like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. R-rated material can pop up on the app’s “stream.” It also doesn’t have any privacy settings.
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Tags: social media, video making