Shark Week Sites and Apps
Check out four of my favorite websites and apps to help you get the most out of Shark Week.
The one site for all things Shark Week. Go behind the scenes, find shark facts, photos, videos, and more.
Ocearch Shark Tracker
This is my favorite app of the group. OCEARCH Shark Tracker allows you to track sharks in near-real-time and view the past paths of individually tagged sharks. They also have a free curriculum for students in grades K-2, 3-5, and 6-8.
Ultimate Sharks – Free
Made by Discovery, this former App Store App of the week for iPad is well worth the free download. “Get in the middle of the action as only Discovery can – intense attack stories, 3D interactive sharks, exclusive HD videos and awesome high-resolution photos, and all for free!” Although it hasn’t been updated since 2013, it’s still a great app.
Shark Net – Predators of the Blue Serengeti
Another fun app with information and tracking of White Sharks.
What Are Your Favorite Web Sites and Apps for Shark Week?
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