How to Make Your Own Avatar in Four Steps
From a safe alternative to online profile pictures to classroom welcome signs, job charts, and desk tags, I’ve seen avatars used in a number of creative ways in the classroom. Like anything else, you can increase engagement by giving students ownership over their avatar. DoppelMe is arguably the best, user-friendly avatar generator for students. Unlike other popular avatar generators, like Bitmoji, DoppelMe does not require students to create an account. It’s also free, easy to use, and doesn’t require any downloads or browser extensions.

Make Your Own Avatar
Creating an avatar with DoppelMe involves just three basic screens. You start off with the basics: gender, skin color, eye color before moving to a second screen where you can customize expressions, hair, clothing, accessories, and more. I love that most color options aren’t limited to a select few. Clicking on “more” brings up a color picker with virtually unlimited options. Although accounts aren’t required, creating one allows you to save your avatars online, and provides more features to further customize your character. The easiest way to save your finished avatar is to right click on it and select “save image as.”
Your avatar will download with a white background. Click here to learn how to make the background transparent.
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Looking for more features in an Avatar Generator?
Check out these options:
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