Adobe Spark – Unleash Creativity in the Classroom

Adobe Spark – Unleash Creativity in the Classroom

Spark.Adobe.comAdobe Spark - Unleash Creativity

Adobe Spark is a free creativity multi-tool for the classroom.  Consisting of three tools, Adobe Spark brings the popular iOS apps Slate, Voice, and Post to web browsers.  All three tools allow students to creatively express themselves and demonstrate understanding quickly and easily.  Students can create high-quality multi-media products in minutes.

Spark Page – Create Magazine-Style Web Stories

Spark Page is a versatile tool, providing an online space to make presentations, portfolios, photo journals, etc.  The user-friendly interface makes it easy to spice up your page with text, link buttons, photos, photo grids, and videos from YouTube, Vimeo, or Spark Video.


The built-in photo search is a stand-out feature.  Spark Page allows you to upload images from your computer, Dropbox, or Google Drive.  Adobe’s Creative Cloud and Lightroom.  But the real magic is the search box that scours the internet for creative commons photos, including Google, Flickr, 500px and the Noun Project.

Adobe Glideshow


My favorite feature of Spark Page is the ability to tell a story using Glideshows. Add some background photos, then tell your story with text, block quotes, photos, and video.  Your story is unveiled as viewers scroll down the page.  Check out this presentation on the Revolutionary War.


Spark Video – Create Compelling Animated Videos

Spark Video is a great tool for creating animated videos, but it’s much more than that.  It’s also a great way to teach story telling.  After being prompted to write a title, users choose to write a story from scratch, or use one of the following templates:

  • Promote an Idea
  • Tell What Happened
  • A Hero’s Journey
  • Show and Tell
  • Personal Growth
  • Teach a Lesson
  • An Invitation

Each template resembles a slideshow.  Each slide has a theme and a prompt, for example the Hero’s Journey template consists of five slides:

  1. Setup – Tell us about the hero and their world before the quest begins.
  2. Call to Adventure – What happens that causes the hero to undertake their quest?
  3. Challenge – Show the rials or challenges that the hero encounters along the way.
  4. Climax – Show how our hero finally overcomes the odds and accomplishes their goal.
  5. Resolution – Tell us how the world is better now.


Spark Video Slide

In addition to opportunities for adding icons, photo, and/or text, users can narrate each slide.  Users can add additional slides to any template.  Videos are further customized with a choice of more than 30 themes, 5 slide layouts, and almost 40 instrumental music tracks. Check out this great example of student project:

Spark Post – Create Engaging Social Graphics

Spark Post makes it easy to create social graphics and photo quotes.  Get started by adding your text and choosing from 20 graphic sizes (everything from Pinterest and Twitter posts to posters and banners). Next customize your graphic by selecting from 40 suggested themes, 50 color palettes, and 8 photo filters.

Spark Post stands out from the many photo quote and social graphic generators (Recite, Quozio) for a number of reasons.  Spark has the type of high-quality color palettes, fonts, and templates that Adobe is known for. Spark Post also allows users to change and/or resize their image at any time.  It’s also easy to share your graphic by a link, or with a one-click download.

Everybody is a Genius

Great Options for Student Creativity

The best part is that all of these features are free, making it an accessible tool for nearly any classroom.  Teachers and students can view a number of examples in Inspiration Gallery, and they even have an Educator’s Guide available.

Adobe Spark for iPad

Adobe Spark is available as three separate apps for iPad.

Adobe Spark Page

Adobe Spark Page (Formerly Adobe Slate)

Adobe Spark Video

Adobe Spark Video (Formerly Adobe Voice)

Adobe Spark Post

Adobe Spark Post (Formerly Adobe Post)

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Nick LaFave

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Kathy Weathers

I love this newsletter, Nick! With opportunities to grow using technology, teachers will continue to incorporate and embed more and more ways for students to express themselves creatively. Great job on encouraging our staff and inspiring them to stretch themselves.

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