Free, Copyright-Friendly Images for Education – Pics4Learning

Free, Copyright-Friendly Images for Education

Free Copyright-Friendly Images 

Pics4Learning provides a safe, high-quality image library for educational use. Teachers and students will find a variety of copyright-friendly images that are both categorized and searchable.  Read the entire image use policy here.

Incredible Image Collections

Images are organized into categories like animals, food, transportation, weather, etc. Browsing through these main categories will lead you to a wide variety of subcategories.  I explored the Animals category to find 54 subcategories, “from mammals and insects to pets and marsupials, this collection includes a lot of cute, cuddly, fierce, and ferocious creatures.”  Clicking on the subcategories leads to a large collection of images to choose from; for example I found 200 invertebrate images, and more than 500 insect images.

Space Pictures

Saving ImagesProperly Cited Images

Images can be downloaded or saved to Google Drive with one click.  Tablet and iPad users press and hold images to bring up a menu to save images.  The download page also provides links to similar images, and a citation for the image.


Lesson Plans

The site features a collection of lesson plans that are designed for use with their paid apps, Pixie and Wixie, but they could easily be adapted for use with other apps.  The image-based lessons promote creativity and critical thinking.  It’s pretty diverse collection of lessons, from supporting writing with animal alliteration to learning about the culture and politics of ancient rome.  You can browse lessons by subject: Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies.

Animal Alliterations

If you liked this post, be sure to check out Photos for Class.

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Nick LaFave

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