Winter Olympics – Learning resources for teachable moments.

The jersey worn by Dave Christian of the Team USA "Miracle on Ice" squad during the 1980 Winter Olympics on display in the Hockey Hall of Fame.

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As a hockey player who grew up just a short drive from where the Miracle on Ice occurred during the 1980 Winter Olympic Games, it should come as no surprise that I’m a big fan of the Winter Olympics.  This week I’m sharing three resources for learning about the Winter Olympics across virtually all subjects.

Teaching the Sochi Olympics – NY Times Learning Network

The NY Times Learning Network has put out a series of lessons to learn about the games.  Check out the lessons in Science Health and Math, or lessons addressing History,Geography and Social Studies.

Science of the Olympic Winter Games – NBC Learn

NBC Learn teamed up with the National Science Foundation to produce a series of outstanding videos, lesson plans and activities to teach about the physics, biology, and chemistry behind the Winter Olympics.

Slapshot Physics

The Olympic Games – Enchanted Learning

For those with younger learners (estimated grades 3-4) the folks at Enchanted Learning have compiled a collection of resources that are ready to use.
Enchanted Learning - Winter Olympics Resources
Enchanted Learning – Winter Olympics Resources

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Nick LaFave

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